V2 Functionality List

The table below presents a high-level overview of capabilities provided by the Digital Securities Dashboard.

Separation of administrators’ roles

  1. Super administrator
  2. Administrator
  3. User

Tokenized Security Lifecycle Management

  1. Issuance
  2. Distribution
  3. Increase in the supply
  4. Decrease in supply
  5. Management
  6. Secondary Trading
  7. Redemption

Compliance Management

  1. Management of the whitelist
  2. Enforcement of sale restrictions
  3. Compulsory asset transfer
  4. Wallet freezing

Limits Management

  1. Management of global limits
  2. Management of limits for specific users

Identity verification

  1. Flexible multi-step KYC process
  2. KYC request/update/approve management

Securities Offering

  1. Creation of Investment Opportunities
  2. Compliance management based on KYC/KYB roles.

Secondary Market

  1. Decentralized Finance market-making protocol, DS Swap
  2. Integration with a regulated market (API)

Corporate Governance

  1. Voting management (scheduled for a future release)
  2. Registry of security token holders
  3. Dividend payouts (scheduled for a future release)

Payment Gateway

  1. Fiat gateway (scheduled for a future release)
  2. Crypto gateway

Account Security

  1. Two-factor authentication
  2. Account freezing
  3. Email notifications about logins and transactions
  4. Login and transaction reports
  5. Account access recovery


Please note

Stobox DS Dashboard is a customisable SaaS, giving an option for clients to select required functionality.