How to convert STBU from ERC20 to BEP20

1. Add Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to Metamask

If you haven't already, please check the Guide about adding Binance Smart Chain.

2. Connect Wallet

Before using the Bridge you need to connect your Metamask Wallet.
Set Metamask change network to Ethereum Mainnet.
Important: make sure you have enough funds to pay transaction fees on both ETH and BSC networks.


3. Approve Token

First time using our Bridge you need to push the Approve button to give our website permission for interacting with your tokens.
Note the gas fee.


4. Send Tokens

After successfully approving, fill in the Amount field with the number of tokens that you want to transfer. Then click the Send button.
Note the gas fee.


5. Wait for Send Transaction

Then you need to be patient and wait until the sending transaction is finished. Runtime depends on the network difficulty.
Do not refresh or close the page until you see the Receive option.

Important: Make sure you have enough funds to pay receiving transaction fees.
Please wait for the page to load until you see the Receive option enabled.


6. Receive

Before clicking the Receive tokens button, make sure to change the chain to BSC Mainnet.
After that, you can click Receive tokens button and get your BEP20 tokens on the BSC network.
Note the receiving fees.


7. Wait to Receive

Then you need to wait until the receiving transaction is finished. Runtime depends on the network difficulty.


8. Done

At this stage, the token swap from ERC20 to BEP20 is completed.
You can click the link and see the receiving transaction on BscScan or Etherscan, if you were converting vice versa.
Clicking the End button will return you back to the main page of the Bridge.